Castello San Marco Tra Bagheria e Santa Flavia
Family History


Two portals from the roman Mannerist style in Aspra Stone give you access to the secret gardens of "Floretta" and "Fruttiera".
The "Floretta" is an informal garden where, among ponds and ancient stone seats, there are Mediterranean species (Rhamnus alaternus, Viburnum tinus, Spartium junceum, Anthyllis barbajovis, Pittosporum tobyra), together with impressive examples of Crassula portulacacea, Tuja, Campsis radicans, Pistacia vera.
The "Fruttiera" is a four-body space, reserved for fruit trees (figs, almonds, citrus, bananas) that coexist with ancient olive trees, pepper trees, bougainvillea and chorysia in various colours. There is also space for a beautiful specimen of Myrtus communis and two giant Aleppo pinetrees.
As it was of use in the ancient Sicilian gardens, the hedge is bounded by borders of asparagus. For irrigation, the old system of "sliding" with "SAIE" (channels) and wells for water leakage is still used.
A third garden, a rocky one, has among its stone walls cacti and succulents of many shapes and sizes, from the surprising flowerings

Visit us
You can book a visit for groups (eight people min.)
We can organize for you a lunch,coffee,aperitif.
We can also organize wedding ceremonies.

Cuscini della suoceraIL GIARDINO ROCCIOSO
...una vera sorpresa
Portale del giardino della Fruttiera.Castello San MarcoIl giardino
La ''Floretta'' e la 'Fruttiera' custodiscono fra le loro mura diversi tipi di vegetazione
Amaryllis belladonna, Castello San MarcoLe fioriture
Arancia con zagara nel giardino della Fruttiera.Castello San MarcoDA FRUTTO
Phoenix canariensisESOTICHE
Le foto del giardino e delle dipendenze
Via San Marco, 90 - 90017 Santa Flavia (Palermo) - Tel: +39 338 8862360 - +39 329 8962598
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